[Math] Hitchin fibration and Springer resolution


Let C be a curve and let us assume $G=GL_N$ and $\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{gl}_N$ for simplicity. The moduli space $\mathcal{M}_H(C,G)$ of $G$-Higgs bundles admits the Hitchin fibration $\pi: \mathcal{M}_H(C,G) \to \mathcal{A}=\bigoplus_{i=1}^{N} H^0 (C,K_C^i)$ where $K_C$ is the canonical bundle of $C$. The preimage $\pi^{-1}(0)$ of zero under the Hitchin fibration is called global nilpotent cone.

The Hitchin fibration is a completely integrable system and a generic fiber is the Jacobian of the corresponding spectral curve of $C$ which is a Lagrangian complex tori. However, the global nilpotent cone is generally a singular fiber.

The first question is whether there exist generally loci (not only zero) in $\mathcal{A}$ on which Hitchin fibers are singular. If so, in these loci, does the spectral curve of $C$ degenerate into a nodal curve and is the singular fiber a compactified Jacobian? Is there any good reference on geometry of singular fibers of the Hitchin map $\pi$?

The second question: why is $\pi^{-1}(0)$ called the global nilpotent cone? Is there any relation to the nilpotent cone $\mathcal{N}$ which is the subset of nilpotent elements of $\mathfrak{g}$?

Instead it looks to me that a Springer fiber under the Springer resolution $\mu:T^*(G/B)\to \mathcal{N}$ is similar to the global nilpotent cone. (Note that $B$ is a Borel subgroup and $G/B$ is the complete flag variety.) However, the Springer resolution is not a completely integrable system. The third question: how can we connect the Hitchin fibration to the Springer resolution?

Best Answer

I will try to answer the first question only.

As in the remarks, the canonical reference is

Beauville, Narasimhan, Ramanan, Spectral curves and the generalised theta divisor. J. Reine Angew. Math. 398 (1989), 169–179. https://doi.org/10.1515/crll.1989.398.169

First part of your question, about the discriminant locus :

Let $s=(s_1,\cdots,s_N)\in \mathcal A$. This defines a morphism $T_C \to T^N_C$ where $T^i_C$ is the line bundle associated to the dual of $\Omega^{\otimes i}_C$. The corresponding spectral curve $C_s \to C$ is the pullback of the zero section $0:C\to T^N_C$ : that is

$$ C_s=C\times_{T^N_C} T_C \; .$$

Let $x$ in $C$. Then an easy application of the Jacobian criterion shows that $C_s$ is singular at $(x,0)$ if and only if $\operatorname{div}(s_N)\geq 2(x)$ and $\operatorname{div}(s_{N-1})\geq (x)$ [warning : BNR Remark 3.5 is wrong]. By Riemann-Roch, at least if $N$ is large enough, this defines a locus of codimension $3$ in $\mathcal A$. So yes, the so-called discriminant locus is not reduced to $0$.

Second part of your question : the BNR correspondence (Proposition 3.6) establishes an equivalence between Higgs bundles with characteristic polynomial $s$ and torsion free sheaves of rank $1$ on $C_s$ (in BNR, this is stated for $C_s$ integral, but Schaub as extended this for any spectral curve). So yes, the fiber of the Hitchin map is a compactification of the Jacobian of $C_s$. This is even one of the main theorems of

Schaub, Daniel Courbes spectrales et compactifications de jacobiennes. Math. Z. 227 (1998), no. 2, 295–312. https://doi.org/10.1007/PL00004377 .