[Math] History of the notation for substitution


One of the very common notations for syntactic substitution is $[\ /\ ]$.
However, there seems to be an inconsistency in the literature about its usage.

  • Many write $[t/x]$ for "substitute $t$ for $x$" (Girard, Buss, …).
  • Others use $[x/t]$ for "replace $x$ with $t$" (van Dalen, Troelstra, Martin-Löf, …).

I am wondering about the history of this notation.
In particular,
who was the first person to use this notation for
syntactic substitution in logic?

Best Answer

Some early examples of the form $[t/x]$ are due to Haskell Curry.


Let $a$ and $b$ be obs and let $x$ be a variable; it is required to define the ob $b^*$ which is obtained by substitution of $a$ for $x$ in $b$. [...]

We shall adopt the notation

$$[a/x] b$$

for the $b^*$ so defined.

See also:

In general, if there are no bound variables to restrict the substitution, we define the result of substituting an ob $M$ for $x$, symbolized as


as that ob $X^*$ whose construction is obtained from a construction of $X$ by replacing subconstructions leading to $x$ by constructions of $M$.

For $[x/t]$, see :

Let $\varphi(\alpha/\beta)$ be the formula obtained from the formula $\varphi$ by proper substitution of the variable $\beta$ for the variable $\alpha$.

We may suppose that Tarski has "simplified" the notation used by Kurt Gödel in 1930, with

$$\text {Subst } a (^v_b)$$

and Alonzo Church in 1932 (and see: The calculi of lambda-conversion (1941)):


A "variant" of Tarski's form is used by e.g. Enderton, with: $\alpha_t^x$.