[Math] Historical question in analytic number theory


The analytic continuation and functional equation for the Riemann zeta function were proved in Riemann's 1859 memoir "On the number of primes less than a given magnitude." What is the earliest reference for the analytic continuation and functional equation of Dirichlet L-functions? Who first proposed that they might satisfy a Riemann hypothesis? Dirichlet did none of these things; his paper dates from 1837, and as far as I know he only considered his L-functions as functions of a real variable.

Best Answer

Riemann was the first person who brought complex analysis into the game, but if you ask just about functional equations then he was not the first. In the 1840s, there were proofs of the functional equation for the $L$-function of the nontrivial character mod 4, relating values at $s$ and $1-s$ for real $s$ between 0 and 1, where the $L$-function is defined by its Dirichlet series. In particular, this happened before Riemann's work on the zeta-function. The proofs were due independently to Malmsten and Schlomilch. Eisenstein had a proof as well (unpublished) which was found in his copy of Gauss' Disquisitiones. It involves Poisson summation. Eisenstein's proof is dated 1849 and Weil suggested that this might have motivated Riemann in his work on the zeta-function.

For more on Eisenstein's proof, see Weil's "On Eisenstein's Copy of the Disquisitiones" pp. 463--469 of "Alg. Number Theory in honor of K. Iwasawa" Academic Press, Boston, 1989.

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