[Math] Higher dimensional berkovich spaces


I am looking for a geometric and topological way to make a visualization of higher dimensional berkovich spaces, starting with the berkovich plane. Of course, this is just a collection of bounded semi-norms, but the question remains:

Is there a visualization possible for $\mathbb A^2_{\text{Berk}}$ like the infinite branched tree for $\mathbb A^1_{\text{Berk}}$?

(For $\mathbb A^1_{\text{Berk}}$ see for example Baker and Rumely's Potential Theory and Dynamics on the Berkovich projective line, Chapters 1 – 2.)

I think you get a simplicial complex, but I don't know exactly how. On the one hand (reading Favre and Johnsson's The valuative tree), you have this list of valuations (thus, also of seminorms, allthough this book discusses seminorms on $\mathbb{C}^2$). On the other hand we have Berkovich's theory of Type I – Type IV points. I guess there just more Type I – Type IV points in a plane (i.e. more seminorms that occur as it were type I points), and some can be only represented by faces (two dimensional simplices), only I don't know how.

Are there any references on the visualization part?

Best Answer

Since I don't seem to be able to edit my own question. I found s link which might be useful here:

  • http://users.math.yale.edu/~sp547/pdf/Anayltification-tropicalizations.pdf, in which a homeomorphism is constructed between $X^{an}$ (or $X_{Berk}$, if that is you cup of coffee) and an inverse limit of tropicalizations of embeddings of (toric) subvarieties of $X(K)$, where $K$ is the basefiel. Payne first takes the field $\mathbb{C}((t^{\mathbb{R}}))$ (in which, for example in $\mathbb{P}^1_{Berk,K}$ there are only Type 1 and Type 2 points), then switches to fields with trivial norms.
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