[Math] Groups which satisfy Mal’cev’s theorem (locally residually finite)


Recall that a group $G$ is residualy finite if for every non-zero element $g\in G$ there exists a homomorphism $\sigma:G\rightarrow H$ such that $H$ is finite and $\sigma(g)\neq 0$. Mal'cev's theorem says that if $k$ is a field then any finitely-generated subgroup of $GL_n(k)$ is residually finite. For a proof of this theorem, see Steve D (Smith?)s answer to this question MO:9628. Note that the theorem does not say that $GL_n(k)$ is residually finite.

Does anyone know any other classes of groups with the property that any finitely generated subgroup is residually finite.

I would prefer examples with the following two properties: first, the group is not itself residually finite, and second, it is not simply a subgroup of some $GL_n(k)$. So, this excludes, for instance, free groups.

Side question: is there a good name for this property?

Best Answer

If $G$ is a compact group, it has this property. This is because by Peter-Weyl compact groups are residually linear. Now use Malcev.

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