[Math] Gross’s log Sobolev inequality proof with variational calculus


For $f\in C^{1}(\mathbb{R}^{n})$, Gross's logarithmic Sobolev inequality says that

$$\int f^{2} \log f^{2}\,d\mu -\int f^{2}\,d\mu \log\left(\int f^{2}\,d\mu\right)\leq \frac{2}{c}\int |\nabla f|^{2}d\mu,$$

where $d\mu=\frac{1}{\pi^{n/2}}e^{-|x|^{2}}dx$ for some $c>0$.

Any suggestions on a variational type proof? Can someone explain the variational argument proposed in the linked paper at pg 1268?



We first prove it for $n=1$ and then finish by induction. We may assume $\int u^{2}d\mu=1$ and let $f(t)=v e^{t^{2}/2}$ then it suffices to prove

$$J(v):=\int_{0}^{\infty} \left(\frac{|\nabla v|^{2}}{2}-v^{2}\ln(|v|)\right)\,dt\geq \frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{4}$$

constrained to $\int_{0}^{\infty} v^{2}\,dt=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}$. But $\Delta v+2v\ln(v)+(\lambda+1)v=0$, where $\lambda$ is the Lagrange multiplier, doesn't look easy to solve.

In the paper below, a different variational calculus argument is proposed, which I still don't understand.

Adams, R. A.; Clarke, Frank H.
"Gross's logarithmic Sobolev inequality: a simple proof."
Amer. J. Math. 101 (1979), no. 6, 1265–1269. MR 548880 DOI 10.2307/2374139

Thank you

Best Answer

Probably you mean Gross's Log-Sobolev Inequality? I cannot help with understanding any variational calculus proofs, but there are other proofs I find easier to understand.

Actually, I prefer obtaining the Hypercontractive Inequality first, $\|P_t f\|_q \leq \|g\|_p$ provided $e^{-2t} \leq \frac{p-1}{q-1}$, and then recovering Log-Sobolev by taking $q = 2$, squaring both sides, and differentiating at $t = 0$. (See, e.g., exercise 10.23 at http://analysisofbooleanfunctions.org ) As for the Hypercontractive Inequality itself, the most traditional short way to prove it (due to Gross, but also independently to Bonami previously) is to prove it first for Boolean functions (by induction on $n$) and then to pass to the Gaussian setting using the Central Limit Theorem. Janson's book Gaussian Hilbert Spaces (Chapter 5) does this nicely (or you can see Chapters 9, 10, 11 at the aforementioned web site). One can also prove Log-Sobolev directly by induction in the Boolean case (see, e.g., Exercise 10.26).

If one only cares about the Gaussian setting, there are other short routes to Hypercontractivity (and hence Log-Sobolev). There is the "Neveu method"; although it's short, it uses stochastic calculus and is thus not very elementary. On the other hand, a very direct and simple proof is given in Ledoux's recent paper "Remarks on Gaussian Noise Sensitivity...", based on early ideas by Hu and by Mossel--Neeman.

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