[Math] Good lecture notes/books on Jacobian of hyperelliptic curve


I want to understand what the Jacobian variety is from an algebraic (or arithmetic?) perspective.

I want to know:

  • What is the definition of the Jacobian?
  • Widely know facts about it.
  • Why the Jacobian of an elliptic curve is the curve itself.
  • How to map points on a hyperelliptic curve to the Jacobian.
  • As much as possible about the torsion subgroup and torsion 2-subgroup of the Jacobian of a hyperelliptic curve
  • What is the connection between the fundamental unit in the corresponding ring and torsion points of the Jacobian?
  • How to get sum of points on the Jacobian (maybe the Mumford algorithm).

I want to understand it as quickly as I can, so I want to read a clear monograph. It would be great if that monograph (book or some lecture notes or survey or something) requires minimal possible background.

Thanks for any references.

Best Answer

Over $\mathbb C$, there's also Mumford's beautiful monograph Curves and their Jacobians, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1975. But a monograph covering all of the topics in your wish list is going to be rather superficial. It's simply too big a subject. And I appreciate your wanting to "understand it as quickly as [you] can," but as someone far wiser than me once said, "there's no royal road to geometry."

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