[Math] Good Books about Large Cardinals


I am very new to set theory and have only learned the basics up to cardinal and ordinal arithmetic. I would like to learn about large cardinals and I am reading Thomas Jech's Set Theory. I have read that Kanamori's book is a good resource but I think that one is a bit advanced for me still. Are there any other books out there? Also is there a book that looks at the philosophical aspects of the subject and is less technical?

Best Answer

The question got bumped, and so let me take this opportunity to say that Kanamori's book is definitely the right source for anyone who is interested in entering this fascinating subject. Some time ago, I wrote a review of it, which you can find at:

If you find his book to be too advanced, then the solution is simply to learn a little more set theory, which you can do by studying Jech's book Set Theory, among others. Much of Kanamori's book, however, is not so technical, and he has a delightful habit of weaving the historical development into the unfolding story. It is a pleasure to read!