[Math] Geometrical meaning of the Ricci Tensor and its Symmetry


Let $M$ be a smooth, pseudo-Riemannian manifold with $\dim(M) \ge 2.$ Let $\nabla$ be any affine connection on $M$. No reason for it to be the Levi-Civita connection. All we assume is that it has zero torsion.

Given two smooth vector fields $X,Y \in \mathfrak{X}(M),$ The curvature tensor, with respect to $\nabla$, is given by

$R(X,Y) := \nabla_X\nabla_Y – \nabla_Y\nabla_X – \nabla_{[X,Y]},$

where $R(X,Y) : \mathfrak{X}(M) \to \mathfrak{X}(M).$ The Ricci curvature tensor is given by the trace:

$ \mbox{Ric}(Y,Z) := \mbox{trace} \left[ X \mapsto R(X,Y)Z \right].$

I've read that the Ricci curvature tensor measures the second order deviation between the volume of a $\nabla$-geodesic ball and a standard Euclidean geodesic ball. This explanation causes me problems. A geodesic ball, centre $x \in M$ and radius $r$ is given by following each $\nabla$-geodesic, that passes through $x$, a distance $r$ with respect to the pseudo-Riemannian metric on $M$. Besides $\nabla$, this depends only on $x \in M$ and $r \ge 0$.

The volume element is expressed in terms of the symmetric bilinear form $h$ that is the pseudo-Riemannian metric. We have:

$\mbox{Vol}_h(X_1,\ldots,X_n) := \sqrt{|\det\left( h_{i,j} \right)|}, \ \mbox{ where } \ h_{i,j} := h(X_i,X_j).$

Again, recall that $\nabla$ need not be the Levi-Civita connection on the pseudo-Riemannian manifold $M$. In other words $\nabla h$ need not be identically zero.

I know how to manipulate the tensor and connection notation. But my geometrical insight is lacking. I don't see how the symmetry, or non-symmetry, of $\mbox{Ric}$ should have any relation to the volume of a ball, which is determined with respect to a symmetric bilinear form.

I would appreciate some information and some references as to how to improve my geometrical intuition.

Best Answer

NB: I'm combining my previous comments into an answer, because I believe that this is better than leaving them scattered.

As another commenter has pointed out, the skew-symmetric part of the Ricci tensor is the obstruction to there being a $\nabla$-parallel volume form in the first place. To see this, consider the first Bianchi identity: $R^i_{jkl}+R^i_{klj}+R^i_{ljk}=0$. Set $i=j$ and sum to get $R^i_{ikl}+R^i_{kli}+R^i_{lik}=0$, which becomes $R^i_{ikl}=R^i_{kil}-R^i_{lik}$. Now $\Omega = \frac12 R^i_{ikl}\ dx^k\wedge dx^l$ is the curvature of the connection induced by $\nabla$ on the top exterior power of the cotangent bundle, and $\frac12(R^i_{kil}{-} R^i_{lik})dx^k\wedge dx^l$ is the skew-symmetric part of the Ricci tensor. Thus, the vanishing of the skew-symmetric part of Ricci is equivalent to the flatness of this induced connection on the top exterior power.

Assume now that the Ricci curvature is symmetric, so that there is a (local) $\nabla$-parallel volume form, say, $\Upsilon$. Then the Ricci curvature has the following interpretation: Let $\exp_p:T_pM\to M$ be the exponential map of $\nabla$ based at $p$. Then $$ \exp^\ast_p(\Upsilon)=(1 - \tfrac13 R_{ij} x^ix^j + \cdots)\ dx^1\wedge dx^2\wedge\cdots\wedge dx^n, $$
where $\exp^\ast_p\bigl(\mathrm{Ric}(\nabla)\bigr)_p = R_{ij}\, dx^idx^j$. (Here, the $x^i$ are any linear coordinates on $T_pM$ centered at $0_p$ that are $\Upsilon$-unimodular at $0_p$.) Thus, Ric gives the deviation of the parallel volume form from the exponentially flat one. (This makes sense, even though you can't define 'geodesic balls' without a metric. You still compare the volume of open neighborhoods of $p$ with respect to the two 'natural' volume forms.)