[Math] Geometric realization of simplicial spaces and finite limits


Let $X_{\bullet}$ be a simplicial space and denote the (non-fat!) geometric realization by $\lvert X_{\bullet} \rvert$.

Does this geometric realization of simplicial spaces preserve finite limits?

This is well-known to be true for simplicial sets instead of simplicial spaces. Moreover, the fat geometric realization preserves finite limits up to homotopy and the fat-free geometric realization preserves pullbacks and products on the nose (see Proposition 8 and 9 here for references to proofs). So there might be some hope.

Best Answer

To avoid leaving this question open:

Assuming we work in the category of compactly generated spaces, geometric realization commutes with pullbacks.(It's crucial that we use the compactly generated product.) The proof is basically the same as for simplicial sets. A reference in the space-case is Corollary 11.6 of Peter May's book 'The Geometry of Iterated Loop Space'. The terminal object is preserved as well, so the claim follows by abstract nonsense, since a functor preserves all finite limits iff it preserves pullbacks and the terminal object.

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