[Math] Geometric Quantization


I'm curious about geometric quantization.

Of course, I know the procedure:
Start with a classical phase space $T^{*}X$, $X$ is the configuration space, then do prequantization by creating a prequantum (complex) line bundle (of course, the symplectic structure must satisfy the Bohr-Sommerfeld condition). The space of square integrable sections of this prequantum line bundle is the prequantum Hilbert space, so choose a polarization $P$. The space of all square-integrable sections of the prequantum line bundle that gives zero when we their covariant derivative at any point $x\in T^{*}X$ in the direction of any vector in a Lagrangian subspace modeled by the polarization is the quantum Hilbert space.

My question is as follows:

Why does geometric quantization work?

As I've said, I'm curious about this, so any help would be appreciated.

Edit: More specifically, let $\mathcal{E}$ be the configuration space of the classical theory on $X$. I.e., if $T^{*}\mathcal{E}$ denotes the phase space, why is the space of square-integrable sections of the complex line bundle over $T^{*}\mathcal{E}$ that gives zero when we compute their covariant derivative at any point $x∈T^{*}\mathcal{E}$ in the direction of any vector in a Lagrangian subspace modeled by the polarization the quantum Hilbert space?

Cross-posted from: "https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/698297/geometric-quantization".

Best Answer

Perhaps we can approach something like an answer, by following the lines set out in Ritter's exposition of geometric quantization (2002). Geometric quantization works because the Heisenberg equations of motion in quantum mechanics have the same structure as Hamilton's equations in classical mechanics, and to exploit that similarity the quantization procedure should satisfy the three conditions of (1) linearity, (2) a constant classical observable corresponds to a real number times the quantum mechanical identity operator, and (3) commutators of quantum mechanical operators correspond to Poisson brackets of classical observables. One more postulate (irreducibility) requires the restriction to polarized operators, and that completes the description of geometric quantization.

As Ritter emphasises, it's helpful to keep in mind that we are dealing with the mathematical structure of a physical theory: Based ultimately on physical experiment, Dirac formulated these prescriptions for the mathematical structure of quantization around 1925, long before mathematicians knew that the procedure was possible.

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