[Math] Geometric proof of Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence


Famous Robinson Schensted Knuth correspondence gives a correspondence between the matrices with non-negative integer entries and pair of semi standard tableaux. The proof that I have seen is highly combinatorial e.g. in Knuth's paper [Permutations, matrices, and generalized young tableaux]. Does there exist a geometrical proof of this correspondence?

Best Answer

This depends on the meaning of the word "geometric". If you are thinking of RSK and want the geometry in the way the algorithm is presented (in the case of permutations only), Viennot's paper Une forme geometrique de la correspondance de Robinson–Schensted mentioned by PeterR is your answer. If you are thinking of geometry of flag varieties, you might like Steinberg's theorem (see van Leeuwen's thesis A Robinson–Schensted algorithm in the geometry of flags for Classical Groups and his J. Algebra paper An Application of Hopf Algebra techniques to Representations of Finite Classical Groups. Finally, if you want RSK to be a map between integer points in polytopes, there are several versions of that, going back to Gansner in 1981 (you can find a description of that and references in the second half of the paper Hook length formula and geometric combinatorics of mine).

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