[Math] Generalized Cauchy-Binet sum over a fixed subset of indices

co.combinatoricsdeterminantslinear algebramatrices

I originally posted this on math.stackexchange, but it quickly got buried. I removed it not too long after, thinking of rewriting it for MO, but I didn’t have a chance to post it until now. Apologies if you were one of the lucky 24 people who already saw it there.


The Cauchy-Binet formula states that

$$ \det(AB) = \sum_{S\in\tbinom{[n]}m} \det(A_{[m],S})\det(B_{S,[m]}), $$

where $A$ is an $m$ by $n$ matrix, $B$ is an $n$ by $m$ matrix, $[n]$ is notation for the set $\{1,\dots,n\}$ (similarly for $[m]$), $\binom{[n]}{m}$ is the set of all $m$-element subsets of $[n]$, and if $M$ is a $k$ by $l$ matrix and $J,K$ are subsets of $[k],[l]$, respectively, then $M_{J,K}$ denotes the submatrix of $M$ consisting of rows indexed by $J$ and columns indexed by $K$.


Is there a version of the Cauchy-Binet formula to evaluate the following sum for general integers $0\leq j\leq m$?

$$ ? = \sum_{S\in\tbinom{[n-j]}{m-j}} \det(A_{[m],S\cup T})\det(B_{S\cup T,[m]})\quad\quad (*)$$

Here $T=\{n-j+1,\dots,n\}$ so that the columns labeled by $T$ are forced to appear in the submatrices of $A$ included in the sum, and similarly for rows $n-j+1,\dots,n$ in the submatrices of $B$.

When $A^T=B$ is the incidence matrix for a graph $G$, then Kirchhoff's matrix-tree theorem and effective resistance formula imply that I can compute this sum as the determinant of the Laplacian matrix of the graph $G'$, where $G'$ is $G$ where all the edges indexed by $n-j+1,\dots,n$ have been contracted. The motivation of this question is thus to try to understand contraction in a slightly more general setting.

This paper by Konstantopoulos gives a nice coordinate-free version of Cauchy-Binet, but I couldn't wrangle it into what I wanted.

It may also be possible that evaluating this is equivalent to evaluating the permanent or something so I shouldn’t expect anything nice after all. But I would be quite disappointed if that were so.

Other special cases

When $j=0$, $(*)$ reduces to ordinary Cauchy-Binet, and when $j=m$ it is of course just $\det(A_{[m],T}B_{T,[m]})$.

When $j=1$, $(*)$ is equal to $\det(AB)-\det(A_{[m],[n-1]}B_{[n-1],[m]})$, and by using inclusion-exclusion I can extend this to all the other $j$. However, for large $j$, there will be a mess of terms, and it will be a rather inefficient way of evaluating this sum. Is there a simpler formula just involving one determinant?

Update (13 Oct 2014)

While I quite like the answer of Igor Khavkine, I would still like to know if there are any other quick ways to evaluate this. Is there any faster way? If the polynomial trick is the best, then are there some efficient ways to extract the leading coefficient of a polynomial? Interpolation can get me all $j+1$ coefficients, and thus requires $j+1$ evaluations of the determinant. It seems to me that if I have a bound on the other coefficients, I could just evaluate the determinant once with a large value of $x$ then divide by $x^j$ and then round off everything else.

Best Answer

This is probably a bit late, but the following formula is proved in this paper (Eq. S4 in the Supplementary Material):

\begin{equation} \sum_{S \in \binom{[n - j]}{m - j}} \det(A_{[m], S \cup T}) \det(B_{S\cup T, [m]}) = (-1)^{j} \det \left(\begin{array}{c c} \mathbf{0}_{j \times j} & B_{T, [m]} \\ A_{[m], T} & A_{[m], [n - j]}B_{[n - j], [m]} \end{array} \right) \rm{,} \end{equation}

where $0_{j \times j}$ is the $j \times j$ matrix of all zeroes. I'll leave the detailed proof to the paper, but the essential idea is to apply the Laplace expansion by complementary minors formula to the columns $T$ of $A$ and rows $T$ of $B$, rearrange sums to apply the ordinary Cauchy-Binet formula over $S$, and then recognize what remains as another expansion by complimentary minors of the above matrix on the r.h.s. The $j \times j$ block of zeros is to ensure that the minors you don't want to count end up vanishing, much along the same lines as Adam Przeździecki's answer. Notice that the special case for $j = 0$ is the ordinary Cauchy-Binet formula.

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