Generalizing Winding Number to Higher Dimensions


Is there a natural geometric generalization of the winding number to higher dimensions?

I know it primarily as an important and useful index for closed, plane curves
(e.g., the Jordan Curve Theorem),
and for its role in Cauchy's theorem integrating holomorphic functions.
I would be interested to learn of generalizations that essentially
replace the role of the circle $\mathbb{S}^1$ with $\mathbb{S}^n$.

I've encountered references to the Fredholm index,
the Pontryagin index,
and to Bott periodicity,
but none seem to be straightforward geometric generalizations of winding number.

This is an entirely naive question, and references and high-level descriptions
would be appreciated, and more than suffice.

Best Answer

This is a very naive answer which I am sure you already considered, but isn't the most obvious generalization just given by the topological degree (

The winding number of $f:S^1\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2$ around $p$ is just the degree of the composition of $f$ with the radial projection from $p$, considered as a map from $S^1$ to $S^1$. It is obvious how to do the same thing for general $n$.

(This should surely just be a comment.)

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