[Math] Galois theory of endomorphism rings of irreducible representations


Let $k$ be a field which I don't suppose to be algebraically closed. Then, the endomorphism ring of any irreducible representation of a finite group over $k$ is a division ring.

What is known about these division rings? When are they fields? When they are, are these fields Galois over $k$? At least, normal? When not, are the centers of the division rings Galois over $k$? What do we know about these centers?

If $k$ is a perfect field, do the irreducible representations themselves split into distinct irreducible representations over the algebraic closure of $k$, or can some be equal?

Sorry for this many questions that are probably well-known, but I can't find an introductory text on representation theory which takes non-algebraically closed fields seriously.

Best Answer


are the centers of the division rings Galois over $k$

A finite dim'l $k$-algebra $A$ is split provided $\operatorname{End}_A(S) = k$ for every simple $A$-module $S$.

[This terminology is consistent with that used in other contexts -- $A$ is split just in case the reductive quotient of the "unit group" $A^\times$ is a split reductive algebraic group over $k$.]

Suppose that $k$ is perfect and that $A_\ell = A \otimes_k \ell$ is a split $\ell$-algebra for a finite, separable extension $\ell \supset k$. Then we have the following:

$(*)$ If $S$ is a simple $A$-module, the center $Z$ of the division $k$-algebra $\operatorname{End}_A(S)$ is a subfield of $\ell$.

To see this, I claim first that $\operatorname{End}_A(S) \otimes_k \ell$ is a split semisimple $\ell$-algebra. Indeed, since $k \subset \ell$ is separable, the $A_\ell$-module $S \otimes_k \ell = S_\ell$ is semisimple, say $S_\ell = \bigoplus_i S_i$ as $A_\ell$-module, where $S_i$ is the $T_i$-isotypic component of $S_\ell$ and where $T_i$ are distinct simple $A_\ell$-modules. Since by assumption $\operatorname{End}_{A_\ell}(T_i) = \ell$, we see that $$\operatorname{End}_A(S) \otimes_k \ell \simeq \operatorname{End}_{A_\ell}(S_\ell) = \prod_i \operatorname{End}_{A_\ell}(S_i)$$ is a product of full matrix algebras over $\ell$. Now observe that the center of a split semisimple $\ell$-algebra is a a split commutative etale $\ell$-algbra $\ell \times \cdots \times \ell$. Assertion $(*)$ now follows.

Apply this to $A = kG$ for a finite group $G$. By Torsten's comment (following Emerton's answer) we may suppose $k$ to be perfect. Then $A \otimes_k \ell$ is split for an Abelian extension $\ell$ of $k$ -- a suitable $\ell$ can be obtained by adjoining to $k$ enough roots of unity. It follows that $Z$ is always Galois over $k$ (for $A = kG$).

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