[Math] Galois groups of CM fields


I am looking for examples of CM fields whose Galois group is not abelian. By a CM field K I mean an imaginary quadratic extension of a totally real field $K_0$. If the extension is not Galois I take the Galois closure $L/K$.

Obviously the degree of such a field is even.

When $[K:Q]=2,$ K is an imaginary quadratic field, so its Galois group is $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$.

My question is: what are the possible Galois groups for $[K:Q]=4$ and 6?

For instance, if I consider $K=K_0(\mu_3)$, with $K_0$ totally real of degree 4 and $\mu_3$ the roots of unity of order 3, what are the possible Galois groups?

Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

Let $K_0$ be totally real of degree $2,3$ and $K/K_0$ a totally imaginary quadratic extension. Let $L_0$ and $L$ be the Galois closures of $K_0$ and $K$ over ${\mathbb Q}$. Then $Gal(L)$ maps onto $Gal (L_0)$ with kernel an abelian $2$ group (a vector space over ${\mathbb F}_2$) .

So the issue is: given a totally real number field $K_0$ over ${\mathbb Q}$ (of degree $2,3$), what can its Galois group be? It is easy to see that it can be cyclic of order $2$, cyclic of order $3$ or $S_3$.

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