[Math] From convex polytopes to toric varieties: the constructions of Davis and Januszkiewicz


One of the most useful tools in the study of convex polytopes is to move from polytopes (through their fans) to toric varieties and see how properties of the associated toric variety reflects back on the combinatorics of the polytopes. This construction requires that the polytope is rational which is a real restriction when the polytope is general (neither simple nor simplicial). Often we would like to consider general polytopes and even polyhedral spheres (and more general objects) where the toric variety construction does not work.

I am aware of very general constructions by M. Davis, and T. Januszkiewicz,
(one relevant paper might be Convex polytopes, Coxeter orbifolds and torus actions, Duke Math. J. 62 (1991) and several subsequent papers). Perhaps these constructions allow you to start with arbitrary polyhedral spheres and perhaps even in greater generality.

I ask about an explanation of the scope of these constructions, and, in simple terms as possible, how does the construction go?

Best Answer

The DJ construction works with a simplicial complex $K$ and a subtorus $W\leq\prod_{v\in V}S^1$ (where $V$ is the set of vertices of $K$). People tend to be interested in the case where $|K|$ is homeomorphic to a sphere, but that isn't really central to the theory. However, it is important that we have a simplicial complex rather than something with more general polyhedral structure. It is also important that we have a subtorus, which gives a sublattice $\pi_1(W)\leq\prod_{v\in V}\mathbb{Z}$, which is integral/rational information. I don't think that the DJ approach will help you get away from the rational case.

I like to formulate the construction this way. Suppose we have a set $X$ and a subset $Y$. Given a point $x\in\prod_{v\in V}X$, we put $\text{supp}(x)=\{v:x_v\not\in Y\}$ and $K.(X,Y)=\{x:\text{supp}(x) \text{ is a simplex}\}$. The space $K.(D^2,S^1)$ is a kind of moment-angle complex, and $K.(D^2,S^1)/W$ is the space considered by Davis and Januskiewicz; it has an action of the torus $T=\left(\prod_{v\in V}S^1\right)/W$. Generally we assume that $W$ acts freely on $K.(D^2,S^1)$. There is a fairly obvious complexification map $K.(D^2,S^1)/W\to K.(\mathbb{C},\mathbb{C}^\times)/W_{\mathbb{C}}$. Under certain conditions relating the position of $W$ to the simplices of $K$, one can check that $K$ gives rise to a fan, that the complexification map is a homeomorphism, and that both $K.(D^2,S^1)/W$ and $K.(\mathbb{C},\mathbb{C}^\times)/W_{\mathbb{C}}$ can be identified with the toric variety associated to that fan.

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