[Math] Free direct summand of a module


Let (A,m) be a local ring and M be a finitely generated A-module contained in a free module F of rank r with length(F/M) < $\infty$. Then I have the following question : Is the statement "M doesn't have a non-trivial free summand if and only if M$\subset$mF " true? I was trying around Nakayama's lemma

Best Answer

The answer to your question is: no, it is not true. Here is a counterexample.

$(A,\mathfrak m)=(\mathbb Z_p,p\mathbb Z_p)$ is the (local Noetherian commutative) ring (PID) of $p$-adic integers (you can construct this ring in many ways... probably the standard one is to complete $\mathbb Z$ with respect to the $p$-adic topology -a base for this topology is given by the powers of the maximal ideal $p\mathbb Z$- the result is that $\mathbb Z_p$ is the inverse limit of the groups of the form $\mathbb Z/p^n$ with the canonical transition maps).

Now, take $F=A$ and $M=p^2 A$. It follows essentially by the definition of $\mathbb Z_p$ that I gave you, that $F/M\cong \mathbb Z/p^2$ that has composition length $2$, in particular this is finite. Anyway, $M\cong A$ as modules (just consider the morphism $A\to M$ such that $x\mapsto p^2x$... then surjectivity is obvious and injectivity follows by the fact that $A$ is a domain and so multiplication by $p^2$ has trivial kernel). Thus $M$ has not only free summands but it is itself free. Finally, notice that $pA\supsetneq p^2A=M$ so $M$ is properly contained in $\mathfrak m F$.

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