[Math] Fourier transform of fractional differential operator and Plancherel formula equivalent for fractional norms

fourier analysisfractional calculustag-removed

I would like to know if the the following exist or are defined

  1. The Fourier transform $\mathcal{F}\left(\frac{d^{\frac{1}{2}}y}{dx^\frac{1}{2}}\right)$ of a fractional differential operator such as $\frac{d^{\frac{1}{2}}y}{dx^\frac{1}{2}}$. (I'm aware that the fractional Fourier transform exists, but this isn't quite the same thing.)

  2. An equivalent of the Plancherel theorem for fractional Lebesgue norms. I'm aware that the Plancherel theorem is defined for $\mathcal{L}_n$ where $n = 2$. What I'd like to know is if a similar theorem exists for positive non-integer values of $n \ne 2$.

Plancherel theorem where $n = 2$

$\int_{\mathbb{R}^m} \mid f({x}) \mid^n \; d{x} \; = \; \int_{\mathbb{R}^m} \mid \tilde{f}({\omega}) \mid^n d{\omega}$

Where $m$ is the number of dimensions. The answer to these questions would rule out or extend certain possibilities.

As always I'm sorry if these questions are total nonsense. I'm just a computer scientist teaching myself mathematics while writing my thesis.

Best Answer

Regarding your first question, the fractional derivative operators are in fact DEFINED by how they act on the Fourier transform side. If the Fourier Transform of $f(x)$ is $\hat f(\xi)$ then the Fourier transform of its derivative $f'(x) = Df(x)$ is $2\pi i \xi \hat f(\xi)$ and hence for a positive integer $k$, the Fourier Transform of its $k$-th derivative $D^kf(x)$ is $(2\pi i \xi)^k \hat f(\xi)$. To define the $k$-th derivative operator when $k$ is a fraction or even an arbitrary real number, that same formula is used---i.e., Fourier Transform, multiply the resulting function of $\xi$ by $(2\pi i \xi)^k$, and then inverse Fourier Transform.

As for your second question, I do not know of anything that is in the nature of a generalization of the Plancherel Theorem from $L^2$ to other $L^p$ spaces, and certainly the obvious generalization is false.

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