Logic – Formal Definition of Homotopy Type Theory


The HoTT community is quite friendly, and produces many motivational introductions to HoTT. The blog and the HoTT book are quite helpful. However, I want to get my hands directly onto that, and am looking for a formal treatment of HoTT. Therefore this question: what's the formal definitions of the gadgets in homotopy type theory (HoTT)?

I expect an answer with absolutely no motivations and no explanations. It should define all terminologies, such as type, term, :, for all, exist, identity, equivalence.. etc. It should also clarify which words are undefined. I feel like I'm almost asking for a computer program.. so if that's your answer, I'm happy to study it.

Best Answer

Here are some resources:

  1. The appendix of the homotopy type theory book gives two formal presentations of homotopy type theory.
  2. Martín Escardó wrote lecture notes Introduction to Univalent Foundations of Mathematics with Agda which are at the same time written as traditional mathematics and formalized in Agda (so as formal as it gets).
  3. Designed for teaching purposes is Egbert Rijke's formalization HoTT-intro which accompanies his upcoming textbook on homotopy type theory.
  4. The HoTT library is a formalization of homotopy type theory in Coq. Start reading in the order of files imported in HoTT.v.
  5. The HoTT-Agda library is quite similar to the HoTT library, except formalized in Agda.
  6. The UniMath library is another formalization of univalent mathematics in Coq.