[Math] Flatness for family of hypersurfaces


Let $X \to Y$ be a family of hypersurfaces in a constant $\mathbb{P}^n$, i.e. $X \subset Y \times \mathbb{P}^n$ is locally on $Y$ given by one equation of degree $d$ in $\mathbb{P}^n$.

Is $X \to Y$ automatically flat? I know that it is so if $Y$ is reduced, since in this case the fact that the Hilbert polynomial of $X_y$ is constant on $Y$ implies that the family is actually flat. So is $X \to Y$ still automatically flat when $Y$ is nonreduced?

Best Answer

(Of course, you have the implicit assumption that the equation of degree $d$ is not $0$.) The answer is yes. In the case where $Y$ is locally Noetherian, it is true by the "slicing criterion for flatness on the source", as $\mathbb{P}^n_Y \rightarrow Y$ is flat. See Exercise 25.6.F in the May 12 2012 version of http://math216.wordpress.com/2011-12-course/ . Your special case is essentially Cor. 2 on p. 152 of Matsumura's "Commutative Algebra". To get to the general case, use the general technique that finitely presented morphisms (as yours is!) can (locally on the target) be pulled back from the Noetherian situation (see Exercise 10.3.G in the notes linked to above); but this may be more than you care to know.

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