[Math] Finite number of minimal ideals


What is the necessary condition on a ring that guarantees the number of minimal non-zero ideals to be finite? Neither Noetherian or Artinian condition seems sufficient, and the ring being semisimple seems too strong.

Best Answer

(Inspired by Graham's comment) For simplicity I will consider the case $(R,m)$ is a Noetherian, local ring.

A non-zero minimal ideal better be principal. Also, if $(x)$ is such ideal, then for any $y\in m$, the ideal $(xy)$ has to be $0$, so $mx=0$.

Let $I= \{x\in R|mx=0\}$, the socle of $R$. Since $Im=0$, $I$ is a vector space over $k=R/m$. You want to know when the set of $1$-dimensional subspaces of $I$ is finite. This happens if and only if $\dim_kI\leq 1$ or $k$ is a finite field.

If $R$ is also Artinian (i.e. $\dim R=0$), then $\dim_kI\leq 1$ means precisely that $R$ is Gorenstein. So in this case (Noetherian, local of dimension $0$) one has a particularly nice answer: the set of nonzero minimal ideals is finite iff $R$ is Gorenstein or $k$ is finite.

Note that if $\dim R\geq 1$, then $I=0$ iff $\text{depth}\ R\geq 1$.

In general one can localize to get at least necessary conditions. For example, if the height of all maximal ideals is at least $1$, then $R$ satisfying Serre's condition $(S_1)$ is certainly sufficient, since the socle when you localize at any maximal ideal will then be $0$, so there is no non-zero minimal ideals.

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