[Math] Finding covariant derivative of a riemanian submanifold


I have a question about properties which are common to a manifold and its submanifolds. I start with the metric.
$ M \subset N, dim(M) = m, dim (N) = m+1 $
let $ g^N $ be the metric of N, so that $ (N,g^N) $ is a riemanian manifold and N is a submanifold.
Now, I'm looking at N and I'm trying to understand what does $ g^M $ looks like. WLOG I assume that in every point $ p \in M $ there exists $ \phi $ a homemorphism of a neighbourhood of p to $ U \subset R^{m+1} $ $ p = \phi(U^1,…,U^m,U^{m+1} = 0) $ I call the reduced $ \phi, \psi $.
Now, I can see that
$ \partial \psi / \partial u^j = \partial \phi / \partial u^j $ for $ 1 \leq j \leq n $ and that, $ \\ \partial \psi / \partial u^{m+1} = 0 $ (by definition) so I conclude that in U coordinates, $ g^N $ has the form
$ \left(\begin{array}{cc}A_{m \times m}&*\\***&B_{1 \times 1}\end{array}\right) $
This must be this way, of the inner product will not be induce correctly from N to M. A is exactly $ g^M $
Now, I'm trying to check the Cristoffel symbols (so I could know what the covariant derivative is). I use the formula
$ \Gamma^k_{i j} = 1/2 * g^{k l} ( \partial g_{l j} / \partial u^i + …)$
And here is my problem. the factors in the brackets are identical for M and N, but I cant say the same about $ g^{k l} $. If I could determine that * from above is zero (?) then I could say that the inverse of $ g^N $ is
$ \left(\begin{array}{cc}A^{-1}&0\\C&D\end{array}\right) $
but unfortunately, I dont know if I can choose coordinates, so that this property holds. Can I somehow make it happen? or is there another way to compute $ \Gamma^M $ from $ \Gamma^N $?


Best Answer

If I understand your notation correctly, then your question is a bit confused, because $g^N$ has to be a symmetric matrix, so that "$***$" = "$*$". The condition that $g^N$ is block diagonal does not have to hold; it says that the tangent vector of the last coordinate, $\partial/\partial u^{m+1}$, is perpendicular to the surface $M$. On the other hand, there always exist local coordinates with this property. If you take any local coordinates for $M$, you can evolve them for a short time with the normal surface flow. You can even get the condition $B = 1$ in a local chart.

Also, there certainly is another way to get the covariant derivative on $M$ and its Christoffel symbol. Namely, if you apply the covariant derivative $\nabla^N$ to a tangent vector field $v$ on $M$ in some tangent direction $w$, you get a vector field $\nabla^N_w(v)$ on $M$ that does not have to be tangent. You should then just project this derivative $\nabla^N_w(v)$ orthogonally onto the tangent bundle $TM$. The orthogonal projection is a useful tensor field $P$ defined on the tangent bundle $TN$ restricted to $M$, and you can write an explicit expression for the covariant derivative $\nabla^M$, or the Christoffel symbol or even the curvature tensor, in terms of $\nabla^N$ and this tensor field $P$. Actually, I am not entirely sure that this method is algebraically all that different, but it is at least conceptually different.

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