[Math] Find the maximum set whose subset sum is unique for every of its subset.


We are given a set of $n$ positive integers.
We assume all of them are bounded by a polynomial of $n$.
We would like to find a subset $S$ of numbers such that
for any $T_1,T_2\subseteq S$, the sum of numbers in $T_1$ is not equal to that of $T_2$.
We want the size of $S$ is maximized.
Clearly, the problem is in NP and can be solved in $n^{O(\log n)}$ time (Since $|S|\leq O(\log n)$).
Is this problem polynomial time solvable?
Is this problem studied before? Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

In the modern language, sets with all subset sums pairwise distinct are often called dissociated. Maximal dissociated subsets of a given set are important in Additive Combinatorics and Fourier analysis, although I cannot recall anybody ever addressing the algorithmic aspect.

Yet another reference you may find useful: http://math.haifa.ac.il/~seva/Papers/DisBases.pdf.

Added: taking into account the interpretation of a maximal dissociated subset of a given set $A$ as a "basis of $A$ over the set $\{-1,0,1\}$", it may be reasonable to try and adjust one of the standard algorithms of finding a maximal independent subset of a given set in a vector space.

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