Topological 4-Manifolds – Failure of Smoothing Theory


Smoothing theory fails for topological 4-manifolds, in that a smooth structure on a topological 4-manifold $M$ is not equivalent to a vector bundle structure on the tangent microbundle of $M$. Is there an explicit compact counterexample, i.e., are there two compact smooth 4-manifolds which are homeomorphic, have isomorphic tangent bundles, but are not diffeomorphic? (The uncountably many smooth structures on $\mathbb{R}^4$ should give a noncompact counterexample, since $Top(4)/O(4)$ does not have uncountably many components.)

Addendum to question, added 12/11/09:

I'm also interested in the other type of counterexample, of a nonsmoothable topological 4-manifold whose tangent microbundle does admit a vector bundle structure. Does someone know such an example? Tim Perutz's answer to my first question, below, says that homeomorphic smooth 4-manifolds have isomorphic tangent bundles. If it's not true that all topological 4-manifolds have vector bundle refinements of their tangent microbundle, what is the obstruction in the homotopy of $Top(4)/O(4)$?

Best Answer

For a pair of smooth, simply connected, compact, oriented 4-manifolds $X$ and $Y$,

  • Any isomorphism of the intersection lattices $H^2(X)\to H^2(Y)$ comes from an oriented homotopy equivalence $Y\to X$ (Milnor, 1958).

  • Any oriented homotopy equivalence is a tangential homotopy equivalence (Milnor, Hirzebruch-Hopf 1958).

  • Any oriented homotopy equivalence comes from an h-cobordism (Wall 1964).

  • Any oriented homotopy equivalence comes from a homeomorphism (Freedman).

  • It need not be the case that $X$ and $Y$ are diffeomorphic (Donaldson). Many examples are now known: e.g., Fintushel-Stern knot surgery on a K3 surface gives a family of exotic K3's parametrized by the Alexander polynomials of knots.

Here's a sketch of why homotopy equivalences preserve tangent bundles: $X$ and $Y$ have three characteristic classes: $w_2$, $p_1$ and $e$. However, $e[X]$ is the Euler characteristic, and $p_1[X]$ three times the signature. By the Wu formula, $w_2$ is the mod 2 reduction of the coset of $2H^2(X)$ in $H^2(X)$ given by the characteristic vectors, hence is determined by the lattice. In trying to construct an isomorphism of tangent bundles over a given homotopy equivalence, the obstructions one encounters are in $H^2(X;\pi_1 SO(4))=H^2(X;Z/2)$ and in $H^4(X;\pi_3 SO(4))=Z\oplus Z$, and these can be matched up with the three characteristic classes.