[Math] exp(S) exp(T) = exp(S+T) for commuting operators


The standard way to prove the exponential law for two bounded commuting operators $S, T$
\exp(S)\exp(T) = \exp(S+T)
is to pass by the binomial formula and the power series of $\exp(.)$. I wonder whether one can prove it alternatively by a (Dunford-Riesz) functional calculus argument i.e. a resolvent-based proof, either directly, via
\exp(S)\exp(T) = \tfrac{1}{(2\pi i)^2 } \int_{|z|=r} \int_{|\lambda|=R} e^{\lambda+z} R(\lambda, S) R(z, T)\,d\lambda dz
for some $r> \|T\|, R > \max(r, \|S\|)$ or maybe by an operator matrix approach (for example the functional calculus of $A= \left( \begin{array}{rr} S & I \\ 0 & T \end{array}\right)$).

Best Answer

An alternative way of proving the exponential law for commuting operators is the following: Define $F(t) = \exp(tT)\exp(tS)$ for every $t\in\mathbb{R}$. Note that the commutativity of $S$ and $T$ implies that $S$ commutes with $\exp(tT)$. Using the product rule you can calculate $$\tfrac{d}{dt} F(t) = T\exp(tT)\exp(tS) + \exp(tT)S\exp(tS) = (S+T)F(t),\quad t\in\mathbb{R}.$$ Since $F(0)=I$ you obtain in particular that $F(1)=\exp(T+S)$.

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