[Math] Existence of non-split vector bundles on smooth projective varieties


Question. Is it known/easy to see that every smooth projective variety $X$ (over an algebraically closed field), except for the point and $\mathbb{P}^1$, has a vector bundle which is not a direct sum of line bundles?

I have a result which trivially shows the above fact in positive characteristic, but I don't know whether I should state it as a corollary as it might be well-known or obvious for reasons I don't see.

Best Answer

Yes, it is true that (over an algebraically closed field) the only positive-dimensional smooth projective variety on which every algebraic vector bundle splits as a sum of line bundles is $\mathbb P^1$.
More generally Ballico has proved that if every algebraic vector bundle splits as a sum of line bundles on a reduced but maybe reducible positive-dimensional projective variety , then that variety is a chain of $\mathbb P^1$'s.
For holomorphically inclined readers, here is a related result in complex geometry.

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