[Math] Existence of fine moduli space for curves and elliptic curves


  1. For the moduli problem of a curve of genus $g$ with $n$ marked points, how large an $n$ is needed to ensure the existence of a fine moduli space? For this question, terminology is that of Mumford's GIT.

  2. For the following three moduli problems, how big an $N$ is required for existence of a fine moduli space? The terminology is from the exposes of Deligne-Rapoport and Katz-Mazur, or Shimura. The first is in French, the second is too big, and the third is using old language and never mentions the modern terminology of universal elliptic curve, etc.. Therefore it is not possible for me to dig up the information myself.

i) Elliptic curves equipped with a cyclic subgroup of order $N$ — this moduli problem corresponds to the modular group $\Gamma_0(N)$.

ii) Elliptic curves equipped with a point of order $N$ — this moduli problem corresponds to the modular group $\Gamma_1(N)$.

ii) Elliptic curves equipped with a symplectic pairing on $N$-torsion points — this moduli problem corresponds to the modular group $\Gamma (N)$.

References other than the above, will be appreciated.

Best Answer

The first is unrepresentable for arbitrary large $N$ (it depends on the residue class of $N$ mod 12), the second is representatble for $N \geq 4$ (if you are considering $Y_1(N)$) or $N \geq 5$ (if you are considering $X_1(N)$, i.e. including the cusps), the third is representable for $N \geq 3$.

The references you mentioned are the standard ones. Probably Silverman discusses these in his books somewhere too (maybe the 2nd). If you look in Gross's Duke paper on companion forms (A tameness criterion ... ) you will find a summary of the story for $X_1(N)$. In the $\Gamma_0(N)$ case, Mazur has a careful discussion in the beginning of section 2 of his Eisenstein ideal paper. Both Gross and Mazur refer back to Deligne--Rapoport for proofs.

It is also just a matter of computing the torsion in each of the $\Gamma$'s (plus epsilon more if you want to understand representability at the cusps), which is an exercise. (Although you have to do a little work to see why this is the necessary computation.)