Isometric Embedding – Existence in Euclidean Space with Bounded Second Fundamental Form


suppose we are given a complete, non-compact Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$. Is it possible to embed (or just immerse) it isometrically into some $R^N$, such that the second fundamental form is bounded? Maybe under some additional assumptions on our manifold and/or metric on it?

This question is a follow-up question to this one: Riemannian manifold of bounded geometry has a normal bundle of bounded geometry.

Thanks, Alex

edit: With "second fundamental form" I mean the quadratic form on the tangent space defined via taking the covariant derivative in $R^N$ and then orthogonally project it onto the normal bundle. So it is defined not only for hypersurfaces.

Anton Petrunin claimed in his answer that bounded curvature of $M$ and bounded injectivity radius are sufficient for the existence of such an embedding. I this is true, I would be grateful for a reference.

Best Answer

The curvature tensor can be expressed in terms of second fundamental form. Therefore bounded curvature is a necessary condition.

Yet injectivity radius has to be bounded below.

These two conditions are sufficient. It seems that this could be proved along the same lines as the Nash embedding theorem.

P.S. In the formulation, you had to say what you mean by "second fundamental form". Most people think it is only defined for hypersurfaces, but you mean a quadratic form on tangent space with values in the normal space.

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