[Math] Examples where “thin + thin = nice and thick”


I'm interested in examples where the sum of a set with itself is a substantially bigger set with nice structure. Here are two examples:

  • Cantor set: Let $C$ denote the ternary Cantor set on the interval $[0,1]$. Then $C+C = [0,2]$. There are several nice proofs of this result. Note that the set $C$ has measure zero, so is "thin" compared to the interval $[0,2]$ whose measure is positive.
  • Goldbach Conjecture: Let $P$ denote the set of odd primes and $E_6$ the set of even integers greater than or equal to 6. Then the conjecture states is equivalent to $P + P = E_6$. Note that the primes have asymptotic density zero on the integers, so the set $P$ is "thin" relative to the positive integers.

Are there other nice examples?

Best Answer

I proved this fact not too long ago: if $G$ is a finite group of cardinality $n$, then there exists a subset $S$ of $G$ of cardinality no more than $\lceil 2\sqrt{n\ln n}\rceil$ such that $SS^{-1} = G$. Possibly this is already known ...?

Edit: It IS known, in fact Seva points out in this answer that it has been shown that there exists a subset of size $\lceil \frac{4}{\sqrt{3}} \sqrt{n}\rceil$ satisfying $S^2 = G$. (I still think it's interesting that a probabilistic argument gets us within $\sqrt{\ln n}$ of this. The stronger result relies on the classification of finite simple groups ...)