[Math] Examples of using physical intuition to solve math problems

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For the purposes of this question let a "physical intuition" be an intuition
that is derived from your everyday experience of physical reality. Your
intuitions about how the spin of a ball affects it's subsequent bounce
would be considered physical intuitions.

Using physical intuitions to solve a math problem means that you are able to
translate the math problem into a physical situation where you have physical
intuitions, and are able to use these intuitions to solve the problem. One
possible example of this is using your intuitions about fluid flow to solve
problems concerning what happens in certain types of vector fields.

Besides being interesting in its own right, I hope that this list will give
people an idea of how and when people can solve math problems in this way.

(In its essence, the question is about leveraging personal experience for
solving math problems. Using physical intuitions to solve math problems is a
special case.)

These two MO questions are relevant. The first is aimed at identifying when using physical intuitions goes wrong, while the second seems to be an epistemological question about how using physical intuition is unsatisfactory.

Best Answer

The first and second laws of thermodynamics allow you to recover the inequality between the arithmetic and the geometric means: Bring together n identical heat reservoirs with heat capacity $C$ and temperatures $T_1,\ldots,T_n$ and allow them to reach a final temperature $T$. The first law of thermodynamics tells you that $T$ is the arithmetic mean of the $T_i$. The second law of thermodynamics demands the non-negativity of the change in entropy, which is

$$ Cn \, log(T/G) $$

where $G$ is the geometric mean. It follows that $T > G$.

I believe this argument was first made by P.T. Landsberg (no relation!).