[Math] Examples of Lie Algebroids


The concept of a Lie Algebroid is given an important geometric meaning in the framework of Generalized Complex Geometry. For reference, the (barebones) definition of a Lie Algebroid is a vector bundle $E \rightarrow M$ with a Lie Bracket $[\cdot,\cdot]$ on $\Gamma(E)$ and a map $\rho :E \rightarrow TM$ such that $\forall f \in C^{\infty}(M)$ we have,

$$[X,fY] = \rho(X)[f] \cdot Y + f[X,Y]$$

In Generalized Complex Geometry, one is interested in the bundle $E = TM \oplus T^* M$ and a Lie Algebroid known as the Courant Algebroid. Having just read M. Gualtieri's Thesis as well Hitchin's Lectures on Generalized Complex Geometry, I was wondering if there are any "non-standard" examples of Lie Algebroids (hopefully with some interesting geometric interpretation!). By non-standard, I mean any of the examples on Wikipedia's page for Lie Algebroids (these are the same examples in Gualtieri's thesis) or the Courant Algebroid.

The main motivation for this question is to see if there are any other (perhaps natural) vector bundles that contain information about a Generalized Complex Geometry. For instance, I would be really happy to find an answer to the question,

Does the bundle $E = NM \oplus N^* M$, where $NM$ is the normal bundle and $N^*M$ is the conormal bundle, tell us anything about the topology/geometry of generalized complex manifolds?


Best Answer

Here is an exotic Lie algebroid structure. Consider an inclusion of algebraic varieties $i:X\hookrightarrow Y$. Then we have a short exact sequence in $\mathcal O_X$-mod: $$ 0\to T_X\to i^*T_Y\to N\to 0, $$ where $N$ is the normal bundle. Then in the derived category of $X$ we have a map $N[-1]\to T_X$. Now observe that $N[-1]=T_{X/Y}$ is itself equipped with a Lie bracket. It is a Lie algebroid object in the derived catgory of $X$. This Lie algebroid is actually the Lie algebroid of the derived self-intersection $X\times^{{\bf R}}_YX$ of $X$ into $Y$, which is a (derived) groupoid in an obvious way.

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