[Math] Examples of acylindrical 3-manifolds


Let $C$ be the compact cylinder $S^1\times [0,1]$. A 3-manifold $M$ with incompressible boundary is called acylindrical if every map $(C,\partial C)\to (M,\partial M)$ that sends the components of $\partial C$ to essential curves in $\partial M$ is homotopic rel $\partial C$ into $\partial M$.

I'm looking, for each $g\geq 2$, for examples of compact, orientable, acylindrical, hyperbolic 3-manifolds $M_g$ with non-empty, incompressible boundary such that each component of $\partial M_g$ is homeomorphic to the surface of genus $g$.

I'm sure such things should be well known to the experts.

Here's a little motivation. Such examples would be useful because, given an arbitrary hyperbolic 3-manifold $N$ with incompressible boundary, you can glue copies of the $M_g$ to the non-toroidal boundary components of $N$ and the result, by Geometrization (for Haken 3-manifolds, so you only need Thurston, not Perelman), is a hyperbolic 3-manifold of finite volume.

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The exterior of Suzuki's Brunnian graph on $n$-edges, here pictured with $n=7$, is irreducible, atoroidal, boundary incompressible, and acylindrical. See

Luisa Paoluzzi and Bruno Zimmermann. On a class of hyperbolic 3-manifolds and groups with one defining relation. Geom. Dedicata, 60(2):113–123, 1996


Akira Ushijima. The canonical decompositions of some family of compact orientable hyperbolic 3-manifolds with totally geodesic boundary. Geom. Dedicata, 78(1):21–47, 1999.

(I think these manifolds may be contained in Bruno's list also.)

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