[Math] Examples and intuition for arithmetic schemes


How should a beginner learn about arithmetic schemes (interpret this as you wish, or as a regular scheme, proper and flat over Spec(Z))? What are the most important examples of such schemes? Good references? What kind of intuition do people have for such schemes?

Best Answer

If you are looking for good first examples, Mumford's Red Book and Eisenbud and Harris's 'Geometry of Schemes' have some good pictures and examples.

Its worth playing around with Spec(O_c), where O_c is the ring of integers in the extension of Q by the square root of c, and thinking about it as a scheme over Spec(Z). In particular, several somewhat mysterious number theory terms like 'ramified' and 'split' make geometric sense in this context.

Its also worth thinking about what the p-adics should look like as a scheme - a formal neighborhood of p in Spec(Z) (though to make this precise you need to know what formal schemes are).

Its also not a terrible idea to pick up a book on algebraic number theory and try to translate everything that is said into a geometric statement (the trick is to realize every time talk about a field, they are really talking about the ring of integers in that field).

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