[Math] Example of Non-Conformally Flat Einstein Manifold


Does there exist an Einstein manifold which is not conformally flat, which is to say one which has non-vanishing Weyl tensor. If so, what is a good example.

Best Answer

All conformally flat homogeneous riemannian manifolds are symmetric spaces, by a result of Takagi. All homogeneous riemannian manifolds of dimension $\leq 11$ admit Einstein metrics, by results of Wang and Ziller. Most homogensous riemannian manifolds are not symmetric spaces.


Takagi, H.: Conformally flat Riemannian manifolds admitting a transitive group of isometries I, II. Tohoku Math. J. 27, 103–110(I), 445–451(II) (1975)

McKenzie Y. Wang, Wolfgang Ziller: Existence and non-existence of homogeneous Einstein metrics, Inventiones mathematicae, 1986, Volume 84, Issue 1, pp 177-194