[Math] Example of Noetherian group (every subgroup is finitely generated) that is not finitely presented


A Noetherian group (also sometimes called slender groups) is a group for which every subgroup is finitely generated. (Equivalently, it satisfies the ascending chain condition on subgroups).

A finitely presented group is a group with a presentation that has finitely many generators and finitely many relations.

Flipping through some search results and references, I get the impression that there should be examples of Noetherian groups that are not finitely presented (because I can locate references to "finitely presented Noetherian group", a name that shouldn't exist if being Noetherian implies being finitely presented). However, I'm not able to get an explicit reference or example. I would be grateful if somebody could point out a reference or example.

For a solvable group, being Noetherian is equivalent to being polycyclic (i.e., having a subnormal series where all the successive quotients are cyclic groups), and polycyclic groups are finitely presented. Hence, any counterexample must be a non-solvable group.

[Note: My standard example of a finitely generated group that is not finitely presented is a wreath product of the group of integers with itself. But this is far from Noetherian.]

Best Answer

Tarski monsters provide examples of 2-generator noetherian groups that is not finitely presented.

Edit (YCor): Tarski monsters, as defined in the link (infinite groups of prime exponent $p$ in which every nontrivial proper is cyclic) exist for large $p$ and all currently known constructions of Tarski monsters are known to yield groups that are not finitely presented. However, it is unknown whether there exists a finitely presented Tarski monster.

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