[Math] Exact 1- and 2-forms in $R^n$


If $D$ is a simply connected set in $R^2$ or $R^3$, then closed $1$-forms on D are exact.
This fact is suitable for the elementary vector calculus course.
I have been unable to find similarly suitable sufficient conditions on a domain $D$ in $R^n$ that closed $1$-forms are exact.
Or that closed $2$-forms are exact.

Closed forms on a contractible set are exact.
However, "contractible" is not a suitable condition,
as the simply connected set $R^3 – \{0\}$ is not contractible.

Best Answer

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Rham_cohomology and in particular De Rham's fundamental theorem. "Closed = exact" for a domain says the De Rham cohomology group is trivial in the appropriate degree; and the condition comes down to normal topological calculations.

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