Erdos Distance Problem – Case for n=12


The recent paper On the Erdos distinct distance problem in the plane
Authors: Larry Guth, Nets Hawk Katz prodded me to get a non-trivial example. Here is what I cannot find: an example of 12 distinct points in the plane with only 5 different distances between points. The regular 12-polygon has 6 different lengths but I cannot do better. implies that there is one>

Best Answer

Here goes my poor explanation:

Take a regular hexagonal lattice with distance 1 between nearest neighbors, and choose a 15-point equilateral triangle in this lattice (15 is a triangular number). Remove the 3 vertices of the triangle. You'll be left with 12 points and 5 distinct distances.

Edit: Just checked the OEIS reference, and it's available on Google Books. The picture you want is on page 200.

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