[Math] Epsilon regularity: what does it say and where does it come from


The $\varepsilon$-regularity phenomenon shows up in several different contexts. I try to describe it focussing on the harmonic map situation, but I really would like to understand the situation in general.
The following is the Schoen-Uhlenbeck $\varepsilon$-regularity lemma, extracted from
Tobias H. Colding, William P. Minicozzi II, An excursion into geometric analysis.

Let $N$ be a Riemannian manifold and $B_{r}$ be the ball of radius $r$ centred at the origin in $\mathbf{R}^k$. Then there exists $\varepsilon(k,N)$ such that if $u:B_{r}\in\mathbf{R}^k\rightarrow N$ is an energy minimizing map and
$$\frac{\int_{B_{r}}|\nabla u|^2}{r^{k-2}}<\varepsilon,$$
then $u$ is smooth in a neighborhood of $0$ and
$$|\nabla u|^2(0)\leq \frac{C}{r}.$$

Thus if a (conformally invariant) rescaling of the energy that $u$ minimizes is small (I suppose $u$ should be in a suitable Sobolev space), then $u$ is automatically smooth in some smaller ball. This rescaling is monotonically increasing thanks to a monotonicity lemma. I am not sure how to interpret the bound on the derivative at zero, though.
The $\varepsilon$-regularity lemma quickly implies that the singular set $S$ of $u$ has $(k-2)$-dimensional Hausdorff measure zero.

My questions are:

  1. What are the basic ingredients (I suppose I am talking about the properties of the energy functional here) that guarantee that such a lemma holds?
  2. What is the meaning of the supremum of the set of all $\varepsilon$ such that the energy bound holds, and how can it be computed?
  3. Is there a simple intuitive picture that I am missing that explains the situation?
  4. Is there an instance of this phenomenon that predates the Schoen-Uhlenbeck paper?

Many thanks.

Best Answer

The way I think of it is to view semilinear PDEs, such as the harmonic map equation, as a contest between the linear portion of the equation ($\Delta u$ in this case) and the nonlinear portions (which, in the case of harmonic maps, are roughly of the shape $|\nabla u|^2$). Intuitively, if the nonlinear part is small compared to the linear part then we expect the linear behaviour to dominate. In the case of harmonic maps, this means that we expect the solutions to behave like solutions to Laplace's equation $\Delta u = 0$, which are known to be regular.

A bit of dimensional analysis then tells us that the condition $\frac{\int_{B_r} |\nabla u|^2}{r^{k-2}} < \varepsilon$ has the right scale-invariance properties to have a chance of making the nonlinear term smaller than the linear term. (To make this rigorous, one of course needs to deploy various harmonic analysis estimates in well-chosen function space norms, such as Sobolev embedding.)

I discuss these heuristics (though more for dispersive equations than for elliptic ones) a bit at


The question of what happens at the critical value of epsilon is an interesting one. Often, the limiting non-regular solutions at that value of epsilon, after rescaling and taking limits, tend to be quite symmetric and smooth, away from a very simple singular set (e.g. a subspace). I don't know the elliptic case too well, but one obvious candidate for such a solution would be a singular 2D harmonic map (such as the map from C -> S^1 given by x -> x/|x|) extended to k dimensions by adding k-2 dummy variables. In the dispersive case, the analogous concept is that of the minimal energy blowup solutions, and these tend to be soliton solutions (so, typically, they obey a time translation invariance symmetry), associated to the ground state solution of the associated time-independent equation.

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