[Math] Entropy of the multinomial distribution

it.information-theorypr.probabilityprobability distributions

What is the entropy of the multinomial distribution? To fix notation, let us define $n > 0$ as the number of trials, $p_1, \ldots, p_k$ as the probabilities of each of the $k$ possible outcomes and $X_1, \ldots, X_n$ as the outcomes. Recall that the pmf of the multinomial distribution is given by

$f(x; n,p) \equiv f(x_1,\ldots, x_k; n, p_1, \ldots, p_k) = \cases{ \frac{n!}{x_1! \ldots x_k!} p_1^{x_1} \ldots p_k^{x_k} \hspace{1cm} \text{if }\sum_{i=1}^{k} x_i = 1 \\ 0 \hspace{4cm} \text{otherwise} }$

The (Shannon) entropy of a distribution measures the amount of stored information or the uncertainty and for this distribution takes the form

$H = – \sum f(x; n,p) \log{f(x; n,p)} = E[-\log{f(x; n,p)}]$,

where the sum is over all $x = (x_1, \ldots, x_n)$ for which $\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_i = n$.

It has only been shown that the entropy is maximized when $p_i = \frac{1}{k}$ for all $i$ [1, 2]. There is a recent paper [3] which sets upper and lower bounds on the entropy. However, a closed-form expression for the entropy seems not to have been derived yet.

My questions are:
(A) Is there a simplified expression for $p_i = \frac{1}{k} \hspace{0.5cm} \forall i$ that does not involve sums?
(B) Are there other special cases for which the entropy can be calculated?
(C) Why is it so difficult to obtain a closed-form solution for this?


There is an asymptotic form for the entropy for the binomial distribution in the large $n$ limit:
Math.stackexchange question: Entropy of a binomial distribution


[1]: P. Mateev, On the entropy of a multinomial distribution, Teor.
Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 1978, Volume 23, Issue 1, 196–198, link.

[2]: L.A. Shepp, I. Olkin, Entropy of the Sum of Independent Bernoulli Random Variables and of the Multinomial Distribution, Technical Report, 1978, link.

[3]: Yuichi Kaji, Bounds on the entropy of multinomial distribution, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), link.

Best Answer

I am not at all sure I understand the question, since the OP's reference [2] has a formula for the entropy, and has asymptotics in the equidistributed case (the latter on page 7, the former on page 5, I think).

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