Embeddings and Triangulations of Real Analytic Varieties – Algebraic Geometry

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This is a follow up question to my answer here How do you define the Euler Characteristic of a scheme?

A real analytic space is a ringed space locally isomorphic to $(X,O/I)$ where $X$ is the zero locus of some number of real analytic functions $f_1,\ldots, f_k$ on an open set $U$ of $\mathbf{R}^n$, $O$ is the sheaf of germs of real analytic functions on $U$ and $I$ is the ideal sheaf generated by $f_1,\ldots, f_k$ (see e.g. http://eom.springer.de/a/a012430.htm) I would like to ask if it is true that each real analytic space with a countable base can be embedded as a closed analytic subset of some Euclidean space.

The motivation behind this comes from the triangulation theorem for complex algebraic varieties: the only proof of that that I know of (Hironaka's 1974 notes) is based on triangulating analytic subvarieties of Euclidean spaces. So to apply this one must embed a complex algebraic variety as a real subvariety of a Euclidean space. This is easy for projective varieties and is probably possible in general, but I don't know a reference for the general case. (I'm mainly interested in the complex algebraic case, but I don't see why it should be any easier that embedding arbitrary real analytic spaces; however if it is easier, I'd be interested to know.)

A related question: is it possible to prove the triangulation theorem (for complex algebraic varieties or in general) without using embeddings in Euclidean spaces?

Best Answer

If you just want a proper 1-1 real analytic map whose image is a real analytic variety then the result is theorem 2 page 593 of a paper of Tognoli and Tomassini in Ann.Scuola.Norm.Pisa (3) vol 21 yr 1967 pages 575-598. This means there is no control over the differential of the map.I am assuming that the real analytic space has finite dimension.If the dimension of the Zariski tangent spaces of a connected reduced real analytic space is bounded then it can be real analytically embedded in euclidean space, see paper by Aquistapace Broglia and Tognoli Ann.Scuola.Norm.Pisa (4) vol 6 yr 1979 p 415-426.