[Math] Elementary Proof of Infinitely many primes $\mathfrak{p} \in \mathbb{Z}[i]$ in the sector $\theta < \arg \mathfrak{p} <\phi $

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A quick look at the primes in $\mathbb{Z}[i]$ suggests they might be evenly distributed by angle if we zoom out on a coarse enough scale.

enter image description here

I would like ask about the much weaker statement forgetting questions about angular bias.

Do all sectors $(\theta, \phi)$ have infinitely many primes $ \mathfrak{p} $?

The idea being to find cases where it is possible to mimick Euclid's proof of the infinitude of primes in $\mathbb{Z}$. I was not able to find such an elementary proof. Certainly let $|\theta – \phi| \ll \frac{\pi}{8}$.

This may be like the cause of Dirichlet's theorem of primes in arithmetic progressions, Euclid's proof extends to some arithmetic progressions (like $4k+3,6k+5, 8n+5$) and not others [1]

Best Answer

Yes, and in fact there will still be many primes even if the size of the sector decrease to zero quite quickly.

In the 2001 paper "Gaussian primes in narrow sectors," Harman and Lewis use sieve methods to prove that there are Gaussian primes with $|p|^2\leq X$ in sectors where the angle goes to zero at the rate of $X^{-0.381}$. Specifically they prove that:

Theorem: Let $X>X_0$. Then the number of Gaussian primes $p$ with $|p|^2\leq X$ in the sector $\beta\leq \arg p\leq \beta +\gamma$ is at least $$\frac{cX\gamma}{\log X}$$ for an absolute constant $c>0$, where $\beta,\gamma$ satisfy $0\leq \beta \leq \frac{\pi}{2},$ $X^{-0.381}\leq \gamma \leq \frac{\pi}{2}$.

One interesting corollary of this result is that there are infinitely many primes $p$ satisfying $$\{\sqrt{p}\}<p^{-0.262},$$ where $\{x\}$ denotes the fractional part of $x$.

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