[Math] Elementary linear algebra over a (possibly skew) field $K$

ag.algebraic-geometrylinear algebramodulesnoncommutative-algebranoncommutative-geometry

I have a number of questions which seem linked to me, about basic (?) linear algebra:

Given a field (possibly skew) $K$, and an superfield $L$, one can do linear matrix algebra with coefficients in $L$ (any reference for basic facts about that ?)

So given a square matrix $M\in M_{n\times n}(L)$, it is left invertible if and only if it is right invertible. What are the known relations between the left kernel of $M$ in $L^n$ and its right kernel ?

By left kernel, I mean the space (left-vector space) of rows $\lambda\in L_{1\times n}$ (one row $n$ columns) such that $\lambda M=(0)$ and by right kernel, I mean the set of $\lambda \in L_{n\times 1}$ (one column n rows) such that $M\lambda=(0)$.

Question 1. For instance, given $M\in M_{n\times n}(L)$, if there is a non-trivial point of $K^n$ in the left-kernel of $M$, is there also a non-trivial point of $K^n$ in its right kernel?

If $K$ is commutative, I am trying to understand why the notion of dimension of a $K$-vector does not vary if one enlarges $K$. I suppose it is because the fact that a familly of vectors being linearly dependent is expressible by the determinant of a matrix being non-zero, which does not depend on larger $K$ (this must correspond to some kind of $\exists$-quantifier elimination I suppose).

Question 2. What happens if $K$ is skew ? In that case, there is no notion of determinant of a matrix (I mean, is there a notion of skew determinant ?). Does the notion of $K$-dimension of the $K$-vector $L$ space depends on possible enlargements of $K$ ?


Question 3. Why does the Zariski dimension of an algebraic subset of $K^n$ ($K$ commutative, non necessarily algebraically closed) does not depend on possible enlargements of $K$ ?

Best Answer

Re: question 2, the rank of a free module over any ring $R$ with IBN is well-defined, and invariant under arbitrary extensions of scalars $f : R \to S$ where $S$ also has IBN, because of the straightforward isomorphism

$$R^n \otimes_R S \cong S^n.$$

In particular, division rings have IBN, as do commutative rings.

A different and inequivalent question is why the dimension of the kernel of a linear transformation is unchanged by extension of scalars (for a map $f : R\to S$ of division rings). The reason is that a division ring will always be flat as a module over a division ring.

Re: question 3, it depends on what you mean by "enlarging" a Zariski closed subset of affine space via an extension of scalars $k \to K$. One thing you might mean is taking some finitely generated $k$-algebra and considering first its set of $k$-points and then its set of $K$-points. Then it is not true that the dimension is invariant because e.g. the set of $k$-points could be empty while the set of $K$-points is nonempty (consider the variety $x^2 + y^2 = -1$ over $\mathbb{R}$ and then over $\mathbb{C}$).

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