Eigenvalues of A+B – Symmetric Positive Definite A and Diagonal B

linear algebrana.numerical-analysis

If I have a symmetric positive definite matrix A and a diagonal matrix B, and I know the eigenvalues of both A and B (by iterative numerical computation in A's case and trivially for B), is there any way I can rapidly find the eigenvalues of the matrix M=A+B?

(I would be surprised if it helps, but I actually have the stronger condition that A is Laplacian.
Unfortunately, the entries of the matrix B are large, and so B cannot be considered a small "perturbation" to A. Finally, I only really have the extremal eigenvalues of A, though I am only hoping to find the extremal eigenvalues of A+B.)

Best Answer

I doubt it. At least it shouldn't be easier than the case where you have the sum of two arbitrary positive definite matrices A',B' with known eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Then you could use an orthogonal basis of eigenvectors for B' and set $A=PA'P^{-1}$ and $B=PB'P^{-1}$. B would be diagonal and AB would have the same eigenvalues as A'B'. Couldn't one even make B=I by choosing an orthonormal basis?