[Math] $E$ is a holomorphic vector bundle if and only if there is a Dolbeault operator $\bar{\partial}_E$


I am looking for a reference which shows that the following statements are equivalent for a complex vector bundle $E$:

  • $E$ is a holomorphic vector bundle.
  • There is a Dolbeault operator $\bar{\partial}_E$, i.e. a $\mathbb{C}$ linear operator $\bar{\partial}_E : \Omega^{0,0}(E) \to \Omega^{0,1}(E)$ which satisfies the Leibniz rule and $\bar{\partial}_E^2 = 0$.

This is stated without proof in Huybrechts' Complex Geometry: An Introduction.

Best Answer

A. Moroianu gives a detailed proof on pp. 72-74 of his Lectures on Kähler geometry (Theorem 9.2), available on the internet. (The preprint has it as Theorem 3.2.)

He attributes that proof to S. Kobayashi, Differential geometry of complex vector bundles. I guess he means Proposition I.3.7 there, which Kobayashi couches in a different language involving connections.

P.S. Note that Moroianu gives himself a whole complex of operators $\bar\partial_E:\Omega^{p,q}(E)\to\Omega^{p,q+1}(E)$, and Donaldson-Kronheimer at least the $(0,q)$ ones, plus Leibniz. I'm not 100% clear that just the $(0,0)$ one plus Leibniz suffice to determine everything, as the question seems to imply.

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