Dynamical Systems – A Guide for Undergraduate Students



I'm searching for a good subject of Dynamical Systems theory in which I can propose a theme for a undergraduate research opportunity program. As I'm a undergraduate student, I have had only be exposed to subjects such as linear and abstract algebra, real analysis (calculus, basic topology of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$, metric spaces, and a "informal" view of measure theory).

I have been looking at subjects such as unidimensional dynamics and circle homeomorphisms, and reading An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems by R. Devaney.


Best Answer

I would recommend reading through Nonlinear dynamics and chaos: with applications to physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering by Steven Strogatz. He does a great job of motivating the applications of the field to various branches of science with a plethora of exercises. I wouldn't say it's entirely rigorous at times, but it covers a huge amount of material which should give you plenty to think about if you want to do a research topic. Out of all the books I've seen on the subject, his is probably the only elementary one that tackles renormalization techniques and universality, involving Feigenbaum's constant.

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