[Math] Dyck paths on rectangles


The number of Dyck paths in a square is well-known to equal the catalan numbers:
But what if, instead of a square, we ask the same question with a rectangle? If one of its sides is a multiple of the other, then again there is a nice formula for the number of paths below the diagonal, but is there a nice formula in general? What is the number of paths from the lower-left corner of a rectangle with side lengths a and b to its upper-right corner staying below the diagonal (except for its endpoint)? I am also interested in asymptotics.

Best Answer

Since that Mirko Visontai told me that the answer is ${a+b\choose a}/(a+b)$ if $\gcd(a,b)=1$. The proof is the following (with k=a and l=b):

The number of 0--1 vectors with $k$ 0's and $l$ 1's is ${k+l\choose k}$, so we have to prove that out of these vectors exactly $1/(k+l)$ fraction is an element of $L(k,l)$. The set of all vectors can be partitioned into equivalence classes. Two vectors $p$ and $q$ are equivalent if there is a cyclic shift that maps one into the other, i.e., if for some $j$, $p_i = q_{i+j}$ for all $i$. We will prove that exactly one element from each equivalence class will be in $L(k,l)$. This proves the statement as each class consists of $k+l$ elements because $gcd(k,k+l)=1$.

We can view each 0--1 sequence as a walk on $\mathbb R$ where each 0 is a $-l/(k+l)$ step and each 1 is a $+k/(k+l)$ step. Each $(k,l)$ walk starts and ends at zero and each walk reaches its maximum height exactly once, otherwise $ak + bl = 0$ for some $0 < a +b < k+l$ which would imply $\gcd(k,l) \neq 1$. If we take the cyclic shift that ``starts from the top'', we stay in the negative region throughout the walk, which corresponds to remaining under the diagonal in the lattice path case. Any other cyclic shift goes above zero, which corresponds to going above the diagonal at some point.

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