[Math] Duality between compactness and Hausdorffness


Consider a non-empty set $X$ and its complete lattice of topologies
(see also this thread).

The discrete topology is Hausdorff. Every topology that is finer than a Hausdorff topology is also Hausdorff. A minimal Hausdorff topology is such that no strictly coarser topology is Hausdorff.

The trivial topology is compact. Every topology that is coarser than a compact topology is also compact. A maximal compact topology is such that no strictly finer topology is compact.

A compact Hausdorff topology is both minimal Hausdorff and maximal compact.
A minimal Hausdorff topology need not be compact and a maximal compact topology need not be Hausdorff (Steen & Seebach, Examples 99 and 100).

It seems that there is some duality between Hausdorffness and compactness? Can this kind of duality be stated more explicitly (e.g. in some category theoretic formulation)? Is a compact topology on a fixed set $X$ some "dual" of a Hausdorff topology on $X$?

Here it is stated that a Hausdorff topology need not contain a minimal Hausdorff topology. If there is some duality these notions then we could also automatically deduce that a compact topology must not be contained in a maximal compact topology.

Best Answer

There are several ways I think of expressing this 'duality'. But before describing this, maybe it would help to explain a sense in which 'existence' (at least one element, or totality of a relation) is dual to 'uniqueness' (at most one element, or well-definedness of a relation).

So let's consider the category whose objects are sets and whose morphisms are relations $R: A \to B$: let $R(a, b)$ denote the truth value of $(a, b) \in R$, and for relations $R: A \to B$ and $S: B \to C$, define the composite $SR: A \to B$ by the rule $SR(a, c) = \exists_{b: B} R(a, b) \wedge S(b, c)$. The identity relation $1_A: A \to A$ is the diagonal subset of $A \times A$, defined by $1_A(a, b) \Leftrightarrow a = b$.

Technically this "category" is a 2-category, where 2-cells are given by inclusions $R \subseteq S$ between relations of the same type $A \to B$; we will write 2-cells as $R \leq S$. Even more, we have a $\dagger$-operation which takes a relation $R: A \to B$ to its opposite $R^{op}: B \to A$, where $R(a, b) \Leftrightarrow R^{op}(b, a)$. Altogether the structure one obtains is what is known as in categorical literature as an allegory, or as a bicategory of relations: there are various axiomatic frameworks for describing categories of relations.

There are also various notions of 'duality' in such a situation. One is by reversing the direction of 1-cells (called 'op'), another is by reversing the direction of 2-cells (called 'co'), and a third is by reversing directions of both (called 'co-op').

In this 2-categorical context, we may categorically express the condition that a relation $R: A \to B$ is well-defined or functional (for all $a \in A$ there exists at most one $b \in B$ such that $R(a, b)$ is true) by the condition $R \circ R^{op} \leq 1_B$.

The co-op dual of this condition is $1_A \leq R^{op} \circ R$, which translates to saying that to each $a \in A$ there exists at least one $b \in B$ such that $R(a, b)$, or that $R$ is a total relation.

If we have both conditions $R \circ R^{op} \leq 1_B$ and $1_A \leq R^{op} \circ R$, then the relation is a function; in other words, a relation $R$ is a function iff considered as a 1-cell in the 2-category $\mathbf{Rel}$, it has a right adjoint (which is necessarily $R^{op}$; this is a good exercise).

Onto the topology: if $X$ is a topological space and $\beta X$ is the set of ultrafilters on the underlying set of $X$, then there is a convergence relation $\gamma: \beta X \to X$ where $\gamma(U, x)$ (an ultrafilter $U$ converges to $x$) means that the filter of neighborhoods of $x$ is contained in $U$. In fact the very notion of topological space can be expressed in terms of ultrafilter convergence, as explored in the notion of 'relational $\beta$-module' for which you can find an account at the nLab.

A space $X$ is compact iff every ultrafilter on $X$ converges to at least one point. This is the same as saying that the convergence relation $\gamma: \beta X \to X$ is total. A space $X$ is Hausdorff iff every ultrafilter converges to at most one point. This is the same as saying that $\gamma: \beta X \to X$ is well-defined. A space is compact Hausdorff iff its convergence relation $\gamma$ is a function: this is an important ingredient in the theorem that compact Hausdorff spaces are exactly algebras of the ultrafilter monad.


In the 2-category of sets and relations, the condition of compactness on the convergence relation of a topological space is co-op dual to the condition of Hausdorffness.

There are various other ways in which the duality between compactness and Hausdorffness manifests itself. One is that $X$ is compact if every projection map $X \times Y \to Y$ is closed, whereas $X$ is Hausdorff if the diagonal $X \to X \times X$ is closed (projections and diagonals being the two ingredients of product structures) -- although it would take some time to elaborate a sense in which these properties should be seen as "dual".

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