Does Isomorphic Generic Fibre Imply Isomorphic Special Fibre for Smooth Morphisms?


Let $X$ and $Y$ be regular integral Noetherian schemes. Assume that $X$ and $Y$ are smooth and proper over a base scheme $S=Spec R$, where $R$ is a discrete valuation ring.

If $X$ and $Y$ have isomorphic generic fibres, is it also the case that their special fibres are isomorphic?


  1. The answer is yes when $X$ and $Y$ are abelian schemes (this follows from the theory of the NĂ©ron model). In general though it is not the case that morphisms between the generic fibres extend to the special fibre.

  2. I am also particularly interested in case where $R$ is the localisation of $\mathbb{Z}$ at some prime, and hence the generic fibres are smooth proper varieties over $\mathbb{Q}$.

Best Answer

Here is an example showing the answer is no:

Start with $Z =\mathbb{P}^2_R$, $R$ an arbitrary dvr. Let $P$ be a section of $Z \to Spec(R)$ and let $W$ be the blowup of $Z$ along the image of the section (so both fibres are $\mathbb{P}^2$ with a point blown up). Let $Q$ be a section of $W \to Spec(R)$ whose image does not intersect the exceptional divisor of the first blow up and let $Q'$ be a section whose image intersects the exceptional divisor only in the special fibre. Let $X$ be the blow up of $W$ along $Q$ and $Y$ the blow up of $W$ along $Q'$.

The generic fibres of $X$ and $Y$ are isomorphic since they are both just $\mathbb{P}^2$ over some field blown up in two distinct (rational) points and any two points on $\mathbb{P}^2$ over a field are "the same". That the special fibres are not isomorphic can be seen by considering curves of self intersection $-2$:

The special fibre of $X$ has none since we have blown up two distinct points, so the only curves with negative self intersection are three $(-1)$-curves i.e. the two exceptional divisors and the strict transform of the line joining the two points. The special fibre of $Y$ does have one; this is the strict transform in the second blowup of the exceptional divisor of the first blowup. (The second blow up changes the $(-1)$-curve into a $(-2)$-curve since we blow up a point on it.)

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