[Math] Does every manifold have a flat connection


Suppose I have a manifold and a vector bundle over it, but not a connection or a metric. Can I always find a connection on it that has a Riemann curvature tensor that is identically zero? If so, can I always find a connection that has both Riemann curvature and torsion tensors identically zero?

I've attempted to simply for the Christoffel symbols, but couldn't make headway in the equations.

Best Answer

Milnor proved in [On the existence of a connection with curvature zero, Comm. Math. Helv. v 32] that bundles over a surface of genus g has flat connections iff its Euler class is less than g by an absolute value (see also Wood, Bundles with totally disconnected structure group). Sullivan in "A generalization of Milnor's inequality ...Comm. Math. Helv. v. 51" find a finite upper bound for the Euler class of a R^n-bundle with the affine connection over manifold M^n (the number of n-simplices in the triangulation of M^n). Hope, this might help.